By Bernard
Our wedding is drawing nearer. Last Sunday, Ps Yeen Fun asked me how I am feeling. "EXCITED!!!" hahaha.... Yup, that's the feeling.
For the last few days, we have been extremely busy trying to get the details ready for the wedding. Things that we looked into recently include:
1) RSVP & Wedding Table Arrangement
2) Wedding March In Songs
3) Decorations & Set Up
4) Busing
5) Cleaning up and preparing our house for the BIG Day!
6) Moving house
7) Finance & Giro arrangement for our Conservancy Fee, Singapore Power etc, Season Parking etc
8) Brothers and Sisters attire
9) Buffet Confirmation
10) Wedding Day Schedule
Photo taken last night outside church after setting up the chairs and decorations.
Thank you Edwin & Michelle for overseeing the whole set up together with Mr Law and Bideas Team. =)